Night Volleyball Tournament

About this event

Sport Committee
Date and time
28 Nov 2019 23:00 - 29 Nov 2019 06:00
Radiumstraat 150

Can you hear the wind howling? The weather is changing, the days are getting shorter and the nights – longer. It is time. Time for the biggest CB sport event. Time for the Night Volleyball tournament. We will once again gather for a night of ‘exercise’ (and maybe a few beers to balance it out). Join us on Thursday, the 28th of November at Radiumstraat 150. The event will start at 23:00 and will until your legs can’t hold you (or 6:00, whichever comes first). For the brave souls who stay awake until the morning, we will have breakfast. Teams will consist of 5 to 7 people and the costs will be 20€ per team. There is a subscription list in the members lounge.

And remember: the night is dark and full of… volleyballs.



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