Lecture Committee

Lecture Committee

Kevin Lucas Harreither (2022) Chair
Mink Wytse Willem Berg (2022) Secretary
Max Kingma (2023) Treasurer
Andrea Pokorná (2024) General Member
Kees Hofstede (2024) General Member
Mikołaj Dołżycki (2022) General Member

The Lecture Committee organizes Academia-related activities, in order to offer students a broader picture of all the interesting topics present in the Chemistry/Chemical Engineering area. Contrary to the name of our committee, we organise other events apart from lectures, such as workshops or plenary meetings with PhD students! This way, students can get more insight into the world of Academia, and not only the research topics presented. And although the current COVID-19 situation has limited our activities, the silver lining is that lectures can still continue online! Our challenge is to find very exciting and novel topics, different from what students do in their studies. We have gladly taken up on this challenge and we hope to come up with many great events during this academic year!

Love, LeCo

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